Create Your High Value Offer & Sign Your First or Next 3-5 High-Value Clients


nanda berwers

"My Biggest Win Was Making $2,500 in My Second Month!"

"I prayed for someone to guide me and honestly, Relinde, you felt like an answer to my prayers. Before joining RESONANCE, I didn't have a big list, wasn't sure about my offerings, or how to deliver them. What resonated with me about the program was the creation of a high ticket offer that creates cashflow.

Since joining, my One Big Win is that with this program, I gave myself permission to be, and I made $2,500 in my second month. My confidence and presence in my business have grown immensely. The Resonance method, particularly the 100 list and doing the interviews, was most useful to me.

The community support has been invaluable. I loved our  the mentoring calls, which made me feel supported and not alone. We've enjoyed a worry-free winter with my family because of the stability this program provided.

For anyone on the fence, if you want a secure way to try and test your ideas, this is it. Thanks for your support and showing your method, Relinde. You have truly been a guiding light for me."

  • Nanda Berwers, Magic Life Coach

Imagine what it would feel like 

☞ To have one (or a couple) of irresistible offers - that your clients buy because they just know it is exactly what they need

 To be clear on  on your "niche" and know exactly where and how to find your meant-to-be clients

 Being well compensated for the work and your clients are happy to pay for their journey with you.


If you’re ready to create an irresistible high-ticket offer (between €500-5000) your meant-to-be clients can’t wait to say “YES” to… so you can get your business to the point where you’re bringing in no less than 5k per month, join the RESONANCE program. 


You’re starting out as a coach and are excited to finally help clients get the kind of results they dream about.

Or maybe you have many clients under your belt already who have been wowed by the things you do. 

Either way, you know you have a unique brand of magic to the way you serve people… and you want to be able to really get out there, spread the word about your business, and get paid well for your services. 

 (Don’t shy away from it . . . the way you do what you do IS unique because there’s only one you in the entire universe!). 

But there’s a problem. 

Even though you’re fantastic at what you do and might already have clients who value the results you get for them, you’re definitely not making the kind of money you want. 

Being honest, your prices are still on the low end... yet you STILL come across prospective clients who say they “can’t afford to work with you”.

And you don’t know how to fix that problem. 

What you DO know is that lowering your rates isn’t going to work. Neither will loading your calendar with a ton of low-ticket sales. 

After all, you’re just one person. There’s a limit to how many hours per day you can spend working (without losing your sanity, which you’d like to hold on to). 

You desperately want to get your business to a place where your income is more than enough to make ends meet... without feeling burned out. But you feel like you’re just spinning your wheels, doing things that don’t really move the needle in your business (like tweaking and tweaking your website).  

Meanwhile other coaches and experts seem to easily pull in tens of thousands of euros each month, leaving you wondering .

What is it that they have that I don’t.”?

Listen. I’ve been there, too.

I know all too well what it’s like to be great at what you do, yet feel overlooked, undervalued, and underpaid.

It doesn’t feel good.

In fact, it sucks!

Everything we learned growing up told us that if you show up, work really hard, and do all the things you’re supposed to, you’ll be successful. 

So why does it feel like success is always right outside your reach when you’ve been giving it your all?

Whether you’ve been at it for 6 months, 6 years, or a whole decade... you’re tired of not having the kind of business you’ve been working hard to build. 


You want a business that provides you with not just joy and a sense of purpose, but the kind of income that empowers you to take care of yourself and your loved ones the way you dream about!

Not just every once in a while but every single month. 

You want to be able to: 

  • Make an impact doing something you love.
  • Feel seen, known, respected, and paid WELL for what you do. 
  • Make decisions based on your heart . . . and not based on your budget. 
  • Work with clients who are super committed to their goals.
  • Hire a team to take care of the things you don’t love doing. 
  • Hire a high-touch business coach to help you scale to 6 or 7 figures. 
  • Take REAL vacations each year . . . and not just a few days here and there
  • Buy all organic foods . . . and maybe even hire a personal chef.
  • Buy your dream car . . . and actually have the time (and freedom) to travel.


For the past several years, this is exactly what I’ve helped clients do in my year-long program the ELEVATE Mastermind.

But I wanted to create something that was more laser-focused on how to get those first few high-end clients that help them get that first swing of momentum. 

Because I know from experience that landing those first high-end sales can give you the kind of momentum (and confidence) you need to really hit the ground running with your business. 

Which is why I created….


Create Your High Value Offer & Sign Your First or Next 3-5 High-Value Clients

For Multi-Skilled Coaches and Experts


RESONANCE is for you if you: 

  • Have lots of value to give and help your clients get great results.
  • Don’t have clients yet, but have a lot of value to provide when you DO get them
  • Already have clients under your belt, but undercharge for your services.
  • Want to make more money per client with a higher-end offer.
  • Need to get more money coming in ASAP.
  • Don’t know how to create a high-end offer (between €500-5000) people will actually buy.


Here’s what you need to know about me . . . 

I love helping multiskilled coaches and experts create the kind of business and income that feels in flow for THEM. 

I believe it’s time for healers, coaches, creatives and integrity-driven experts to change their mindset, strategy, and way they think about business . . .  so that they’re seen and valued for the amazing work they do.

I view success being 100% in alignment with your message, your offer, and your meant-to-be clients.

Since 2018, I’ve helped hundreds of coaches and experts via my different programs, 1:1 coaching, and courses. 

I’ve helped my clients generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue . . . and actually feel EXCITED and SUPPORTED during the process. 

Not only that, I’ve helped them do it in a way that’s sustainable (it’s not about just short-term success over here!). 

Now I’ve created a way for people to get in, get a BIG win in the form of a high-end offer that actually sells... and finally get their business to the point where they KNOW deep down that the bold vision they hold for their life is possible!

And I’ve designed it so that you can get results quickly . . . without having a branded social media presence, a big mailing list, or an ad budget. 

In fact, all you really need is some clarity around who your ideal audience is and what you can do to help them get the kind of results you want to be known for. 

"My first 9000 euro month felt just so good and empowering. It was easier, more fun and better than I could have ever imagined. Went out to celebrate with my husband!"


Get Your First (OR NEXT) High-End Clients 

Create & Sell Your Brand New Irresistible Offer In As Few As 6 Weeks . . .

With a laser-focused, results-oriented course for Coaches and Experts who are tired of being overlooked, undervalued, and underpaid


Proven roadmap

My success formula: "the RESONANCE™ Method" is especially designed for multi skiilled coaches and experts. 

Monthly group calls

You're not doing this alone - within RESONANCE you are getting support you need, every step of the way.

Private community

Our student community is where you find the most supportive, amazing and inspiring fellow coaches and experts

Guided meditations

... embodiment practices and deep belief shifting work though the Embodied Vision™ Method  - need I say more...

RESONANCE will teach you a proven step-by-step strategy to help you land high-end clients without . . . 

  • Complex social media strategies 
  • A mailing list
  • A big social media following . . . 

In a way that sets the foundations for a business you can grow to multiple six and seven figures!

What a lot of business courses teach you to do is implement a bunch of bells and whistles. 

The social media presence. 

The mailing lists. 

The branded image. 

The content and website. 

While all of those things are part of scaling your business... what you need right now is to build a solid foundation to grow from. 

Which means you need to scale BACK and focus on three basic steps: 

  1. Connecting with your ideal clients one-on-one. 

  2. Listening to what they have to say about their struggles, vision, and needs. 

  3. Creating EXACTLY what they need . . . so that saying “YES” to working with you (and paying you!)  is a no-brainer.

When you take the time to get up close and personal with their ideal clients and find out EXACTLY what they struggle with, what they want, what they need, or what they would be THRILLED to buy... you’ll find that you’re able to sell those offers at a higher rate, more consistently, and with a lot more confidence. 

That’s what RESONANCE will help you do. 

Instead of investing your hard-earned money in yet another business course that will teach you advanced strategies and techniques your business isn’t even ready for, what you need is some guidance on creating irresistible offers that were literally created with your ideal client’s express needs in mind. 

In RESONANCE, you’ll get step-by step directions on how to conduct in-depth market research with your ideal clients and create an irresistible high-ticket offer (between €1000-5000) they can’t wait to say “YES” to… so you can get your business to the point where you’re bringing in no less than 5-8k per month.

When you enroll in RESONANCE, you get access to: 

  • Lifetime access to RESONANCE, the online course where I’ll teach you exactly how to create and sell your first (or next) premium offer in a way that feels good, natural, and aligned.
  • Lifetime access to The RESONANCE Resource Library, which includes scripts and templates to help you get results faster and more efficiently.
  • 3 months’ access to Monthly Group Hot Seat Calls where we’ll spend 60 minutes diving deep into your questions (plus the recordings).
  • 3 months’ access to the community for personalized feedback on your homework.


BONUS 1 (Valued at €700)

A personalized Notion HQ Dashboard + mini course to help keep your business organized and streamlined.

The goal is to provide you with a laser-focused, streamlined path to growing your income... quickly, easefully, and in alignment with your values. 


So, Relinde? What’s the investment? 

Lucky you! We're doing a special Summer Round of this program!

We want to make it even easier for you to say “Yes!” to transform your business... so you can
get started for €288 with our 3-month payment plan

That means that by selling even ONE of the high-end offers you’re going to create, you could get a FULL return on your total investment. 

If you’re ready to make it happen, I’m here to help! 

>>> Get yourself set up to save your seat in RESONANCE today and take the first step toward landing the kind of high-end clients you dream about. 

Ready to make it all happen? Choose your payment plan:

The self-paced course starts the moment you sign up. You get 3 months of live support. 

payment plans starting at

€ 199

Choose the payment plan and get immediate access:



If you do everything I teach you to do in this program and you don't sign at least one client you get another 12 weeks coaching calls with me. 

I went from breaking even teaching reiki courses to creating my own unique method... and a signature offer I adore.

 Besides making more money (a whole lot more!) through my coaching business, I’ve discovered my real magic! I no longer feel confused about how to use or market my many certifications and qualifications. In fact, I’m FINALLY clear on what I’m here to teach . . . and so excited for all the amazing things that are evolving.


You’re ready for this. I know you are. 

Otherwise you wouldn’t be here, reading this page. 

You wouldn’t have gotten this far. 

So what are you waiting for? 

Go ahead and click the Join Now button and let’s take the next step toward the business (and life) of your dreams. 

You have so much genius and value to offer. 

Don’t make the world wait another moment...

xo Relinde



Riza de Leon

"Integrating My Gifts Was My Biggest Challenge"

"My concern before joining RESONANCE was managing my time because I am doing too many things at once. I struggled with integrating the many gifts and tools I offer and effectively showing up in my business. A strong inner calling told me this was the right program for me.

Since joining, my biggest achievement is the seamless integration of my diverse skills and confidently presenting them to my clients. The most significant result I experienced was creating a coherent structure for my offerings, which has brought newfound clarity and strength to my business approach. The actionable steps and community support were invaluable.

My goals for the next three months are to create more streamlined processes and enhance my client offerings. The best support for achieving these goals would be continued community engagement and access to practical resources.

Thank you sooooo much, Relinde! You are an amazing coach!"

  • Riza de Leon Gregorio, Coach/Healer for High-Performing Women