LEVERAGE: Free masterclass

“I’ve been launching for 9 years, but this was my best launch ever at $99k with a list of 93 people. I  created the signature program I’ve been dying to make for years - doing the work I was literally born to do.”

Before working with Relinde, I was very clear I was OVERWORKED and UNDERPAID but I had no clarity on how to get out of this vicious cycle. I couldn't figure out a way to marry all the exquisite, transformational modalities and certifications I had under my belt. I had no idea how to make my own method or hit a $100K launch!

While working with Relinde, I saw that I was so tethered to doing things the way I was trained by all these other modalities, but it no longer served me. It was time to create my own.

And Relinde laid out a path for me to create my own method. Relinde is so grounded, spacious in her energy but more than that - she really shows up for her people.

I can't believe I didn't do it sooner -- mostly because it was keeping me from clients who really, really need my powerful work. I’ve been launching for 9 years, but this was my best launch ever ($99k with a list of 93 people). I doubled my revenue and created the signature program I’ve been dying to make for years -- doing the work I was literally born to do.

Not only that, but I’ve really found my voice and I’m showing up more reliable and consistent than ever for my clients as well. My engagement is REALLY strong.

My entire life has been simplified. I am no longer hustling at a gazillion things -- I get to show up to do my life’s work and enjoy my days.

So grateful for Relinde -- if you're lucky enough to snag a spot in her ****Elevate Mastermind, do it!

Stephanie Carlin - Founder of Thruth School

I’ve bundled and monetized my expertise, and my program is now a huge success among Dutch speakers, writers, theatre-makers, artists and creatives!

Before joining the Elevate Mastermind, I didn't see the path ahead to connecting my expertise to an easy flowing aligned program. I doubted if it was even possible for me as a multi-skilled entrepreneur.

I was a bit apprehensive about the ELEVATE Mastermind at first, thinking maybe it's more for people who search for richness and glamour. I quickly learned that isn’t true though! And knowing Relinde's integrity and drive I knew she was the real deal, and that I could learn a lot from her. I’m so glad I took the leap. It was exactly what I needed.

The biggest win for me I got from the program was getting the guidance to bundle my expertise and monetize it by creating a successfully signature program, The Chaos Academie voor Schrijvers en Makers. It has been an incredible feeling to finally have a program that feels so aligned, and for it to have become so popular. It’s also definitely helped me clean up my jam-packed agenda. I’ve also learned how to connect to those clients that bring me great joy to help.

One of the things that was especially valuable for me was the extended training Relinde gave me on belief coaching. To me that was every day treat that was truly transformational. The community was also lovely - it was great to be in this process together.

Thanks to the Elevate Mastermind I now work on a much higher level, and I work with pleasure and ease. I also smile a lot more often :-).

Frank Gunning, Founder of the Chaos Academie voor Schrijvers en Makers

“I now have my signature offer; I'm selling it and love it. I left my part time job and now my only source of income is my business. I've been travelling around Europe while serving my clients.

...and more importantly, I now know that I am meant to be a business owner.” 

Before I joined the Elevate Mastermind, I came from a year that was one of my lowest in business and the year I thought I was gonna go back to job hunting. I felt like I had to start from zero.

I really wanted to create a premium offer but my attempts in the past had failed. When I joined the ELEVATE Mastermind I told myself it was going to be the very last chance I was giving to my business.

Fast-forward to today: I now have my signature offer; I'm selling it and it works. I left my part time job and now my only source of income is my business (a dream that I had for so long and that now is a reality). I've been travelling around Europe since August 2023 living in different countries (another dream coming true) and more importantly I now know that I am meant to be a business owner.

I feel more at peace when working and dealing with clients. I have an inner knowing that all is gonna work out despite there might be some setbacks or issues. I know new clients are always out there for me. I know that my work makes a difference to them. I feel like I just cannot lose!

The Elevate Mastermind truly is perfect for someone who is really serious about creating her dream business and who knows she can do great work -- she just needs to package her expertise the right way to make it profitable.

The moment you decide to join and make it work for you, you won't be the same person again... And that's the magic of it!

I'm so happy for all the time we've shared together, Relinde, and I'm grateful for all your insight and expertise. THANK YOU! GRACIAS! GRAZIE! MERCI! ARIGATOU! BEDANKT! ❤️⭐️👯‍♀️

Erminia Pedata - Certified Language Coach & Award Winning Italian Teacher

“I am now attracting clients who I am GENUINELY SUPER EXCITED to work with. This makes me feel energised and awesome.”

Before joining the Elevate Mastermind, I honestly had a lot of challenges with my business. I didn’t know what to focus on, how to set up approaching it sustainably, or how to create effective messaging.

I had been following Relinde’s personal journey for a couple of years and knew how authentic she was, so the interest in her program was definitely there... But I honestly didn’t know if I’d be able to keep up. I’m so glad I didn’t let that stop me, though.

Thanks to my work in the program, I have begun to shift some significant limiting beliefs and make progress in packaging my very broad knowledge into something that speaks to people. I also feel I have some structure, rhythm, momentum, and (most importantly) a clear path forward.

A big part of this is because of Relinde and the Elevate Mastermind community. She always creates such a warm and compassionate atmosphere to help all of us stay focussed on the wins and progress (no matter how small it might feel to us). She has always met me where I am and helped me move forward. And the others both inspire and lovingly support me.

I am feeling more energised and purposeful than ever. I am attracting clients who I am GENUINELY SUPER EXCITED to work with. This makes me feel energised and awesome.

ELEVATE is perfect for the entrepreneur who LOVES deep, hard, and wide and can't quite pinpoint how to express the value of what she does in clear ways.

If you’re on the fence, my advice is to definitely do it. This journey is hard and you can't do it on your own. Relinde is a real-deal person of integrity who gives her all and creates a community space that is REAL and chocabloc full of knowledge and support.

Mira Rao, Embodiment & Resilience Coach

Listen to Mira Rao's story on the Choosing Ease Podcast



“I'm putting all the extra revenue I've generated into a savings account, which makes me feel so abundant and rich!”


 When I learned about Relinde, I was at the point where I wanted to expand my income from $3.5K months to $10K per month - but I couldn’t figure out the “how”.

Honestly, I wasn’t exactly sure if working with Relinde was going to help me get the results, I’m so glad I took the chance, though, because I booked in a high-end client just 2 weeks after signing up. Yay!

Thanks to the Elevate Mastermind, I began to truly believe in my bigger vision. I realized that what was blocking me were my own deep, inner beliefs. With Relinde’s help, I was able to make some huge mindset shifts.

This led to me booking in my highest months EVER in my business and consistently booking high-end clients that pay in full every single month.

I'm putting all the extra revenue I've generated into a savings account, which makes me feel so abundant and rich! This has also allowed me to purchase a diamond ring which I've wanted for sooo long and I feel like it represents how far I've come in my journey as an entrepreneur. It serves as a reminder to myself to be proud of myself for what I’ve achieved.

But it’s not just the income growth that has changed my life. I also feel more safe at home and in my business. I don’t worry anymore about people telling me I should “get a real job”.

I now feel super confident in my work and see myself as the leader I always envisioned myself to be. And that’s because of the Elevate Mastermind Community. I’ve felt so seen, supported, and encouraged - especially when I didn’t feel confident myself.

I absolutely recommend working with Relinde if you know you’ve got something SO much bigger to give the world, but can’t figure out how to make a bigger impact. If you’re on the fence because you aren’t making the money you think you need to make this type of investment, I’ll say this: trust your intuition and take the leap of faith. I did and it paid off multiple times over!

Vere Vermeulen - Brand Strategist

The thing that drew me to Relinde’s Elevate Mastermind was the idea of aligning different parts of one’s life - especially the thought of my passions and abilities woven into “work”.

I had run a business before, but never on my own. It was always through large companies and involved a lot of communication with HR departments. So I had no idea how to reach out to individual potential clients or describe what I do. This limited my ability to sell. I was also completely lost when it came to all of the technical aspects of running an online business.

I was initially doubting whether I could get on board with the sales aspect of the work, but now I’ve made a shift to getting out and making things happen!

Because of the Elevate Mastermind, I'm more able to put my energy into both my work and my personal life, rather than constantly feeling I have to choose between the two. I've become more realistic and able to come to grips with financial questions I've tended to avoid. I've relaxed into feeling like I can be honest and follow my instincts, rather than holding back and saying what's expected. I’m taking more risks in order to show up completely as myself.

Relinde is accessible and generous and also has a skill for overview in the group. The example she sets means that feedback from the group is really helpful. We're all in the same boat but are VERY different people from a variety of professions. This makes a dynamic mix of strengths and weaknesses, which is both challenging and supportive. I also love being part of a truly world-wide community!

I recommend this programme for anyone who has many different talents/aspects to their lives and longs to weave it all together.

Elise Lorraine - voice coach

“In the third month of the programme, I made as much money in one month as I did in the whole first quarter of that same year”

Before the Elevate Mastermind, I was not making anywhere near enough money and was feeling alone in the struggle of building a successful business. I knew that some of my beliefs were the key to what was holding me back, so I was excited to do some work to get to the heart of my mindset challenges.

I wasn’t sure if it would be quite the right fit as I have a product-based business rather than course-based. But since the programme began, my income has been consistently growing month by month. In the third month of the programme, I made as much money in one month as I did in the whole first quarter of 2020 (when I wasn’t doing the programme). Pretty impressive considering the unexpected global pandemic that hit the same month as the course started!

I’m not worrying about money now and it’s made me realise how much my money worries were consuming me before and how deeply they were affecting my general happiness. Now, each month, I know I have enough. And I’m certain I can keep growing things so that my income gets better and better.

My partner has been able to quit his full-time job (which he hated) and work for himself again. Now we both work just 4 days a week, contributing equally financially and sharing the childcare equally too. It’s been amazing for me and my family. We couldn’t be happier with our work/home life set-up. :)

I would recommend the Elevate Mastermind for someone who is committed to creating a successful business and who is willing to do the inner work in addition to the more traditional business stuff!

You’ve got to be ready to put what your heart wants front and centre.

Now, I feel supported and empowered by the others in the group and much more positive about the trajectory of my business. I’ve started shifting some big beliefs that were holding me back and I feel empowered and capable of continuing with this work once the course finishes.

Others in the group have bought my prints and shared my posts online. I’ve had one-to-one brainstorming sessions with multiple people from the group, which have all been really helpful and enlightening. The energy of the group in general has just been really wonderful to be a part of and I’m looking forward to keeping in touch with the others in the course.

If you’re on the fence, I’ll say this: just do it. Dive in and surrender to Relinde’s method. She is exceptional at what she does and having her in your corner is without a doubt the greatest thing you can do for your business!

Holly Blake -Travel-inspired Collage Artist

“It's been one big overhaul of my whole system - a fundamental change in how I act, manage my energy and approach challenges. My inner critic is gone. And I’m now able to show up for my business every day, launch my offers and market them regularly.”

Before I joined the Elevate Mastermind, I struggled with being clear about what to offer, and then being consistent with my marketing/launches. I was in do-do-do-exhaust mode and never managed to reap results from my efforts. I would burn out earlier and get sick for weeks.

The investment was a big stretch for me. But the belief work Relinde does pulled me in. I intuitively felt this was the missing piece for me to take my business to the next level. And I’m so thankful that I did because it completely transformed my business, and to some degree my life too.

The Elevate Mastermind has led to one big overhaul of my whole system - a fundamental change in how I act, manage my energy and approach challenges. I've shifted a lot of core beliefs that stood in my way to recognize my own authority and disconnected from my own vital energy. Thanks to this I was able to show up for my business every day, launch my workshop and intensives and market them regularly.

The belief work in the Elevate Mastermind was really key for me - this was the core thing I needed. Also the framework around offers and marketing was a helpful, well organised resource I can always go back to - one of the best ones from all the online marketing courses I had taken (and I’ve taken many).

Today, I'm showing up for my business regularly, doing the small daily things that lead me to where I want to go. And my inner critic is GONE. That's a huge one for me. I feel grounded and resilient. I have big acceptance for things to happen in their own timeline, without efforting or too much pressure.

I think the Elevate Mastermind is ideal for any value-driven service provider, coach or expert who is also multi-passionate or have many different skills that they want guidance to create an aligned business from.

And to anyone who’s on the fence, I’d say that the belief work was a key missing ingredient for me. And Relinde's insights and guidance are spot on, including the energy work. It’s far beyond any typical marketing/business course.

Thank you so much for this time together, Relinde - I appreciate all the support!

Gosia Potoczna, Meta Ads Strategist

“The belief in my self-worth and value has shifted significantly in a positive way thanks to the Elevate Mastermind, especially around my worthiness and what I can mean for customers.

My vision on what I can offer clients has become crystal clear. And I've launched my human design mastermind.”

Before I joined the Elevate Mastermind, I didn't know where my business was heading or what would be my main goal or focus. I felt a bit lost.

I did have some doubts about the price, but otherwise I felt it in my sacral that it was the right decision. At the end, it was the belief work that Relinde does that made me join. And I’m so glad I did as it has led to some amazing growth for me.

Here are just some of the wins I’ve experienced in the Elevate Mastermind: First, the belief in my self-worth and value has shifted significantly in a positive way. Especially my beliefs shifted around my worthiness and what I can mean for customers, which was huge for me. Also, my vision on what I can offer clients has become crystal clear. And I've launched my human design mastermind. All of this has given me the direction and focus I desired and has moved my business in a direction I love.

The belief sessions were the most transformational for me. All the other things are nice, but they mean diddely squat without the right belief system in place ;) The community was also very important for me to grow as a human being and feeling seen.

Today, I'm clear about what I have to offer and have created a program that is truly beneficial for my clients. It’s a huge shift from where I was before.

I think the Elevate Mastermind is perfect for people like me; who have the knowledge and the skills but lack the right mindset and/or belief in themselves as unique and special creatures.

So if you’re hesitating, just do it. The commitment needs to be there, but if you understand how important the work is, you'll free up the time.

-Anne van Antwerpen, Personal Branding Coach & Human Design Enthusiast

“I feel more confident and clear about how to run my business. I have a direction and know what I need to do in order to grow my business.”

I decided to join the Elevate Mastermind because I felt I was lacking business skills to continue what I was doing and felt very blocked as far as marketing. I didn’t know what I needed to do but knew that I needed help.

I loved that the Elevate Mastermind takes a holistic approach to building a business you love. And I was really impressed by Relinde’s background. However, I wasn’t sure if I could afford the monthly investment, whether I had the time to commit to the program, or if it would actually help me with what I needed. Thankfully, I took the leap anyway.

Now, I am more aware of how often my limiting beliefs hold me back - and I know how to do the work to shift them. I’ve been doing the work to identify who my ideal clients are (before I had no clue). I’m starting the work on my method/pillars, which is very helpful and makes me feel like I have a more stable foundation and know what I am doing. I also have better tools to write engaging posts. Overall, I feel more confident and clear about how to run my business. I have a direction and know what I need to do in order to grow my business.

Being in this program has also changed how I engage with my students. I understand better now how to use the insight I get from our chats . I’m more aware of their language, their struggles, and what they actually get out of my classes.

Being part of the Elevate Mastermind community is also a great benefit. It's been very beautiful to connect with other entrepreneurs around the world and see their processes, their struggles, and their wins. It makes you feel less alone and more supported.

I would recommend this program for anyone who wants to have a holistic approach to running a business and wants to work on themselves. People who don’t view business as just chasing money, but as a way to create more good in this world - but at the same time take care of themselves financially.

You have to come ready to do the work yourself, but you will get so many tools, so much good support, and coaching. You should have the hunger to really work on yourself, too. Because this is more than just business strategies -- it’s also a place to grow as a human.

Ida Engerud, Embodied Flow Teacher

“If you’re on the fence about joining the program, I only have one thing to say: WORK WITH RELINDE!”

I felt stuck and knew that the answer for my business wasn’t just to offer more of what I was already doing. I needed to prioritize my business and get the right things done - and that is what Relinde has helped me to do.

What first struck me about Relinde was her focus on multi-passionate entrepreneurs. That really resonated with me. I was also drawn to Relinde as a person. She comes off as very authentic, grounded, and straightforward. After my first call with her, I was very sure that I didn’t want to go one more minute without her by my side. Since, then, I've fallen in love with how she interacts with her tribe. She’s a true leader!

Being in the Elevate Mastermind has helped me go from not knowing how to show up for my community to not only having plenty of ideas on how to show up, but also ENJOYING it. I’ve also hired a teacher for my weekly dance classes.

I really love all the lists and tools I’ve since organized around my business. Before this, I wasn’t aware of how important it is to collect all the data/info/feedback about my clients or that it can even be fun to do so.

Now I feel wonderful, powerful, and capable. And it’s due largely to being surrounded by Relinde and the other amazing human beings in the Elevate Mastermind community.

If you’re on the fence about joining the program, I only have one thing to say: WORK WITH RELINDE!

Ramona Schmidt Founder of Let's Play Ballet

"My Biggest Win Was Making $2,500 in My Second Month!"

"I prayed for someone to guide me and honestly, Relinde, you felt like an answer to my prayers. Before joining RESONANCE, I didn't have a big list, wasn't sure about my offerings, or how to deliver them. What resonated with me about the program was the creation of a high ticket offer that creates cashflow.

Since joining, my One Big Win is that with this program, I gave myself permission to be, and I made $2,500 in my second month. My confidence and presence in my business have grown immensely. The Resonance method, particularly the 100 list and doing the interviews, was most useful to me.

The community support has been invaluable. I loved our  the mentoring calls, which made me feel supported and not alone. We've enjoyed a worry-free winter with my family because of the stability this program provided.

For anyone on the fence, if you want a secure way to try and test your ideas, this is it. My goal for 2024 is to have consistent revenue streams, and the best support for achieving this would be a team to grow my reach online. Thanks for your support and showing your method, Relinde. You have truly been a guiding light for me."

  • Nanda Berwers, Magic Life Coach